Event: LFN x PGMBM 'Rights of Nature' Hackathon, London 2022

You are invited to express your interest to attend the 1st 'Rights of Nature' Litigation Strategy Hackathon being held at the PGMBM offices in London, on 17th March 2022, jointly hosted with Lawyers for Nature. You are very much encouraged to attend if you are a lawyer, academic, campaigner or researcher with expertise in the following areas:

• Rights of Nature
• Property law and transfer of ownership
• Challenging Land Registry decisions
• Drafting byelaws
• Judicial review re: byelaws and local government
• Standing and challenging court decisions re: standing
• Legislation and litigation re: pollution
• Working with activists
• Working with local river communities

This event is invitation only, please see the form below.

Please be advised that we are keen for participants to propose their own ideas, either in advance to inform the iteinerary or to arise during the hackathon itself. Taking place at PGMBM’s offices, 70 Mark Lane, London EC3R 7NQ, you can expect an in-person day of discussion to collaborate on a broad outline of rights of nature litigation in this jurisdiction. This will lay the foundation for future work, including a conference later in 2022. By bringing together individuals that might not usually work together, we are seeking to mobilise resources and ideas around practical next steps to advancing this cutting-edge field of law.

Essentially, we are keen to marry detailed rights of nature ideas with funding and litigation resource. We are looking for the day to result in actionable decisions, with four key strategies currently being planned for discussion:

1) Transferring ownership of a river to itself via the Land Registry
2) Drafting rights of nature bylaws
3) Constituting a river guardian community as a client
4) Representing a river as claimant against a water company for pollution

There is already a stellar list of attendees for this event and we are looking for more. If you are interested in attending, please complete this form below.

By filling out this form you will receive an invitation for the day, and will not be able to attend if you have not filled out this form in advance:

Full Name Email Address Brief Background

We very much look forward to sending you further details of what is set to be a potentially groundbreaking day of legal collaboration. If you have any questions in advance then please reach out via the Contact Page on this website, selecting 'Legal' from the drop-down menu. Please be advised that following this in-person event, an online event will be planned for those who were unable to attend, using the collateral generated from the in-person event.